Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Recovery Product Guide
Recovery Account and Repayment Plan Transactions

The Recovery Account Transactions and Repayment Plan Transactions screens provide recovery agents with the ability to view the transactions that have occurred on a recovery account or repayment plan. Additionally, both screens contain a Reverse Transaction button that allows for non-interest transactions to be reversed, as well as an Export button that allows for historical transaction data to be easily exported and viewed within Excel.

For more information on how transactions are created, please see the Recovery Transactions topic within the User Guide.


Within this topic, the following Recovery Account and Repayment Plan Transaction screen details and actions are defined:

Account Selection

The Recovery Account Transactions and Repayment Plan Transactions screens allow the user to view account transactions for all accounts held by the person in context. Users can toggle between accounts by clicking on the drop-down menu at the top of the screen.


If the account is not charged off, the message, "There are no transactions because this account is not charged off," is displayed.

Filtering Transactions By Date

By default, the Recovery Account Transactions and Repayment Plan Transactions screens display all transactions within three months prior to today's date, based on the transaction's Effective Date. However, users are able to refine the results displayed in the grid by modifying the date range.

The date range can be modified by using one of the following methods:

After the date range is selected, click  to update the grid to display the transaction history.

If a date range produces a number of results exceeding 2,000, the requested transaction history may be limited.

Viewing Transactions

Within the Recovery Account Transactions and Repayment Plan Transactions screens, transactions populate within the transactions grid. By default, transactions are sorted by Effective Date, with the newest dated transaction appearing first. Each transaction is listed as a row within the grid, with columns designating various fields of information based on the view selected.

If there are no transactions, the message, "There are no transactions for this account or repayment plan," is displayed.

Within these screens, there are six views available to recovery agents:

To choose which view displays within the workspace, click within the views drop-down and select the desired view.

Upon selecting a view, the transactions grid refreshes to display the applicable transactions in rows and details in columns.

Active Transactions View

The Active Transactions View is used to view the high-level details of the transaction, and displays by default. This shows only transactions that are neither reversed nor a reversal transaction. In this view, interest is netted.

In this view, the Reverse Transaction button is always disabled.
All monetary values in the Active Transactions view are displayed using two decimal places.

Details of each transaction are itemized within a grid containing the following columns:

Column Name Description
Transaction Id Displays the Id number by which the Transaction is identified.
Posting Date Displays the date the transaction is applied.
Effective Date Displays the date the transaction is in effect.
Transaction Code Displays the code used to determine the General Ledger (GL) accounts to which the transaction applies. The transaction code also determines account allocations.
Amount Displays the amount of the transaction.
Reference Number Displays a check number, Visa card number or any other number related to the transaction.
Reference Date Displays a reference date.
Description Displays any additional information regarding the transaction.
Received From Displays the name of the person from whom payment is received.
Reverses Transaction Id Displays Reverses Transaction Id.
Remaining Balance Displays the total remaining balance for the GL account after a transaction is processed.
Created Date Displays the date the transaction was added.
Created By Displays the name of the user who created the transaction.
Is Transferred

If selected, indicates that the transaction is an expense that has transferred to a Recovery GL Account successfully. This check box is read-only.

For more information on transferring expenses, please see the Transfer Expenses Workflow Step topic in the User Guide.

Credit transactions are shown with parentheses around them while debit transactions show just the amount.

Active Ledger Entries View

The Active Ledger Entries View is used to view the ledger entries generated by a transaction, including the accounts and amounts that were affected by the transactions. All interest transactions are shown individually for each day, and interest transactions are not netted.

All monetary values in the Active Ledger Entries view are displayed using two decimal places.

Details of each transaction are itemized within a grid containing the following columns:

Column Name Description
Transaction Id Displays the Id number by which the Transaction is identified.
Ledger Entry Id Displays the Id number by which the Ledger Entry is identified.
Posting Date Displays the date the transaction is applied.
Effective Date Displays the date the transaction is in effect.
Transaction Code Displays the code used to determine the General Ledger (GL) accounts to which the transaction applies. The transaction code also determines account allocations.
Transaction Amount Displays the amount of the transaction.
GL Forward Account Name Displays the name of the specific GL Forward Account being credited.
GL Forward FQAN Displays the fully qualified account number of the account being credited.
GL Offset Account Name Displays the name of the specific Offset Account being debited.
GL Offset FQAN Displays the fully qualified account number of the account being debited.
Amount Displays the specific amount being credited to the account.
Remaining Balance Displays the total remaining balance for the GL account after a transaction is processed.
Is Transferred

If selected, indicates that the transaction is an expense that has transferred to a Recovery GL Account successfully. This check box is read-only.

For more information on transferring expenses, please see the Transfer Expenses Workflow Step topic in the User Guide.

Interest Transactions are shown after non-Interest Transactions on initial load. This updates based on the user's preferences.

Active Transactions - All Interest View

The Active Transactions - All Interest View shows only transactions that are not reversed or are not in a reversal transaction. In this view, all interest transactions are shown individually for each day and interest transactions are not netted.

All monetary values in the Active Transactions - All Interest view are displayed using four decimal places.

Details of each transaction are itemized within a grid containing the following columns:

Column Name Description
Transaction Id Displays the Id number by which the Transaction is identified.
Posting Date Displays the date the transaction is applied.
Effective Date Displays the date the transaction is in effect.
Transaction Code Displays the code used to determine the General Ledger (GL) accounts to which the transaction applies. The transaction code also determines account allocations.
Amount Displays the amount of the transaction.
Reference Number Displays a check number, Visa card number or any other number related to the transaction.
Reference Date Displays a reference date.
Description Displays any additional information regarding the transaction.
Received From Displays the name of the person from whom payment is received.
Reverses Transaction Id Displays Reverses Transaction Id.
Remaining Balance Displays the total remaining balance for the GL account after a transaction is processed.
Created Date Displays the date the transaction was added.
Created By Displays the name of the user who created the transaction.
Is Transferred

If selected, indicates that the transaction is an expense that has transferred to a Recovery GL Account successfully. This check box is read-only.

For more information on transferring expenses, please see the Transfer Expenses Workflow Step topic in the User Guide.

All Transactions View

The All Transactions View shows all transactions, including those that are reversed or are reversal transactions. In this view, all interest transactions are shown individually for each day and interest transactions are not netted. Backdated transactions show an interest reversal and a new interest posting (after the payment-reduced principal balance) for each date from the day after the payment until the current date.

Details of each transaction within this view are itemized within a grid containing the following columns:

All monetary values in the All Transactions view are displayed using four decimal places.
Column Name Description
Transaction Id Displays the Id number by which the Transaction is identified.
Posting Date Displays the date the transaction is applied.
Effective Date Displays the date the transaction is in effect.
Transaction Code Displays the code used to determine the General Ledger (GL) accounts to which the transaction applies. The transaction code also determines account allocations.
Amount Displays the amount of the transaction using four decimal places.
Reference Number Displays a check number, Visa card number or any other number related to the transaction.
Reference Date Displays a reference date.
Description Displays any additional information regarding the transaction.
Received From Displays the name of the person from whom payment is received.
Reverses Transaction Id Displays Reverses Transaction Id.
Remaining Balance Displays the total remaining balance for the GL account after a transaction is processed using four decimal places.
Created Date Displays the date the transaction was added.
Created By Displays the name of the user who created the transaction.
Reversal Reason Displays the reversal reason given, if the Recovery module is configured within System Management to require reversal reasons.
Reversal Comment Displays the reversal comment given, if the Recovery module is configured within System Management to require reversal comments.
Is Transferred

If selected, indicates that the transaction is an expense that has transferred to a Recovery GL Account successfully. This check box is read-only.

For more information on transferring expenses, please see the Transfer Expenses Workflow Step topic in the User Guide.

Transaction Allocations View

The Transaction Allocations View shows the transactions for a Recovery Account or Repayment Plan in addition to their roll up to the GL Component Type. The view will display the following transactions:

Details of each transaction within this view are itemized within a grid containing the following columns:

All monetary values in the Transaction Allocations view are displayed using two decimal places.
Column Name Description
Posting Date Displays the date the transaction is applied.
Effective Date Displays the date the transaction is in effect.
Transaction Code Displays the code used to determine the General Ledger (GL) accounts to which the transaction applies. The transaction code also determines account allocations.
Amount Displays the amount of the transaction.
Principal Displays the sum of all entries that have an ancestor with a component type of Principal for this transaction.
Interest Displays the sum of all entries that have an ancestor with a component type of Interest for this transaction.
R. Expenses Displays the sum of all entries that have an ancestor with a component type of Reimbursable Expenses for this transaction.
R. Other Displays the sum of all entries that have an ancestor with a component type of Reimbursable Other for this transaction.
N. Expenses Displays the sum of all entries that have an ancestor with a component type of Non-Reimbursable Expenses for this transaction.
N. Other Displays the sum of all entries that have an ancestor with a component type of Non-Reimbursable Other for this transaction.
P Bal Displays the sum of all entries that have an ancestor with a component type of Principal.
I Bal Displays the sum of all entries that have an ancestor with a component type of Interest.
RE Bal Displays the sum of all entries that have an ancestor with a component type of Reimbursable Expenses.
RO Bal Displays the sum of all entries that have an ancestor with a component type of Reimbursable Other.
NE Bal Displays the sum of all entries that have an ancestor with a component type of Non-Reimbursable Expenses.
NO Bal Displays the sum of all entries that have an ancestor with a component type of Non-Reimbursable Other.
Remaining Balance Displays the remaining balance.
Is Transferred

If selected, indicates that the transaction is an expense that has transferred to a Recovery GL Account successfully. This check box is read-only.

For more information on transferring expenses, please see the Transfer Expenses Workflow Step topic in the User Guide.

All Ledger Entries View

The All Ledger Entries view shows all ledger entries. In this view, all interest transactions are shown individually for each day and interest transactions are not netted.

All monetary values in the All Ledger Entries view are displayed using four decimal places.

Details of each transaction are itemized within a grid containing the following columns:

Column Name Description
Transaction Id Displays the Id number by which the Transaction is identified.
Ledger Entry Id Displays the Id number by which the Ledger Entry is identified.
Posting Date Displays the date the transaction is applied.
Effective Date Displays the date the transaction is in effect.
Transaction Code Displays the code used to determine the General Ledger (GL) accounts to which the transaction applies. The transaction code also determines account allocations.
Transaction Amount Displays the amount of the transaction.
GL Forward Account Name Displays the name of the specific GL Forward Account being credited.
GL Forward FQAN Displays the fully qualified account number of the account being credited.
GL Offset Account Name Displays the name of the specific Offset Account being debited.
GL Offset FQAN Displays the fully qualified account number of the account being debited.
Amount Displays the specific amount being credited to the account.
Remaining Balance Displays the total remaining balance for the GL account after a transaction is processed.
Is Transferred

If selected, indicates that the transaction is an expense that has transferred to a Recovery GL Account successfully. This check box is read-only.

For more information on transferring expenses, please see the Transfer Expenses Workflow Step topic in the User Guide.

Reversing Transactions

The Reverse Transaction button allows for non-interest transactions to be reversed.

When viewing transactions, the  button is initially disabled. To enable the button, highlight the desired transaction.

The Reverse Transaction button is not enabled for repayment plans with a status of Completed or Canceled, or if the repayment plan is Inactive.
Interest accruals cannot be reversed. Interest Transaction reversals should be procedurally handled through Adjustments.

If the Recovery module is configured within System Management > Modules > Recovery to require reversal reasons, a Reversal Reason and Comment box will open when the  button is clicked.


Choose a Reversal Reason from the drop-down and enter comments as necessary.

The Reversal Reason drop-down is populated with values from the system-defined Transaction Reversal Reason lookup.

When finished, click . A final Reverse Transaction Confirmation window appears. Click OK to confirm. A message appears stating that the reversal was successful.


Upon clicking , the transaction processing engine places a lock on the transaction currently in process. This lock ensures that only one recovery account or repayment plan transaction reversal is processed at a time, mitigating the possibility of corrupt transaction data. If a transaction is currently in process and a user attempts to process another transaction, a "transaction in process" message is displayed indicating that the second transaction cannot be processed until the current transaction has completed processing.
If the transaction being reversed created an expense record, the collection expense record is deleted from the Collection module.

Exporting Transactions

The Export button downloads a .CSV file containing an itemized list of all transactions based on the current selected View that can be exported into Excel.

To export the current selected view, click . A message appears asking to open or save the .CSV file. Choosing Open opens the file in Excel. Choosing Save downloads the file automatically. 

If exporting a Repayment Plan transactions list, the file contains a header row with the Repayment Plan Id. If exporting a Recovery Account transactions list, the file contains a header row with the Account Identifier.



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